With over thirty years experience in custom jewelry design and creation, Catherine will work with you to create the bespoke piece of your dreams.

Catherine Dining
Designer Goldsmith
Catherine Dining, designer goldsmith and owner of
CG Designs, Inc., has been creating her distinctive award-winning jewelry for over thirty years, producing by hand all of her own pieces. Before opening her own shop in Lafayette (formerly Taylor & Jacobson), she displayed her designs at high-end craft and art shows and sold to galleries and stores around the country.

Catherine taught goldsmithing and diamond setting at The Revere Academy of Jewelry Arts for many years.
She recently taught Classical Stone Setting for Art Jewelers at the Mendocino Art Center. For information about private instruction in jewelry making, please send an email inquiry.
American Jewelry Design Council
New Talent of the Year, 2003
2003 NICHE Award
Jewelry: Silver with Stones